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Season 01 EP 030 - Growing Ghoulia
A showcase of storyboard revisions I did on Monster High (2022).
Strengthening the acting, Adding backgrounds and props, plus additional directorial notes.
Directed by Broni Likomanov
Storyboards by Jack McGee
Additional revisions done by Katrin Ignatova & Miche Perez
Season 01 EP 036 - License To Rock
A showcase of storyboard revisions I did on Monster High (2022).
Strengthening the acting, Adding backgrounds and props, plus additional directorial notes.
Strengthening the acting, Adding backgrounds and props, plus additional directorial notes.
Directed by Broni Likomanov
Storyboards by Jack McGee & Katherine Hashimoto
Additional revisions done by Katrin Ignatova & Miche Perez
Season 01 EP 039 - Furmergency
A showcase of storyboard revisions I did on Monster High (2022).
Strengthening the acting, Adding backgrounds and props, plus additional directorial notes.
Strengthening the acting, Adding backgrounds and props, plus additional directorial notes.
Directed by Broni Likomanov
Storyboards by Fred Gonzales & Mike Jones
Additional revisions done by Katrin Ignatova, Nazul Sobrino, Derek LaMastus, & Miche Perez
Season 01 EP 042 - Scareer Day
A showcase of storyboard revisions I did on Monster High (2022).
Strengthening the acting, Adding backgrounds and props, plus additional directorial notes.
Strengthening the acting, Adding backgrounds and props, plus additional directorial notes.
Directed by Broni Likomanov
Storyboards by Katherine Hashimoto & Tom Sales
Additional revisions done by Katrin Ignatova, Nazul Sobrino, Derek LaMastus, & Miche Perez